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The War of Thor

by Jarod Tidwell

Long ago, there was a quarrel between two Asgardian brothers. It all started when Thor, the god of thunder, married a beautiful woman named Sif. Sif has been said to be the loveliest of women, and if you looked upon her hair, you would see that it is golden. Thor’s brother Loki, the mischievous god, thought that he would prank his brother by cutting off Sif’s golden hair, but Thor did not like this one bit. Thor was so enraged that he took ahold of his brother and made him swear that he would use his magic to make Sif an even more beautiful, jaw-dropping golden headdress. Loki also swore he would make Thor a gift for himself, hoping that his brother would forgive him.
             The gift was a hammer, the most powerful hammer in the universe. Thor received both gifts with glee, but also with a stony grudge boiling inside him. In result, the god of thunder exploded with anger sending his new magnificent hammer hurling toward Loki. The hammer struck Loki and carried him all the way down to Earth. Thor heavily scoffed at his mischievous and now wincing brother, for Loki was embedded and stuck in the lower levels of earth’s crust.
             Loki is a trickster, but he is also the god of magic, and therefore he is very good at things like illusions and card tricks. Still angry at his brother for not forgiving him and trapping him in this dark, rocky dungeon, Loki occasionally shuffles the tectonic plates like cards. This action explains how earthquakes were first formed and now occur.

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